Saturday, 11 August 2012

The Challenges of Hair Replacement For Children With Alopecia

Excessive hair loss, or alopecia, children can have a devastating impact on unexpected and self-esteem of a child, parents scrambling to send to the alternatives of hair. Although it is not very common for children to lose their hair, almost 2 million children each year in the United States alone do. Nobody expects a young child losing their hair, so when it happens, parents are often confused and uncertain about what to do. There are many causes of hair loss in children, most of them medical-related. Your first step when your child loses an excessive amount of hair is always seeing your doctor first to eliminate the physical problems that could be causing hair loss before seeking an alternative to hair. In addition, research organizations Alopecia defense.

It should be courageous parents, to hear that 60% of children with alopecia exceed this requirement on their own to long-term solutions hair replacement unnecessary. Often in a year or two. Unfortunately, this leaves the other 40% of children who will not have such a favorable resolution to this problem and requiring long term solutions to hair replacement. And even if only for one year, the weather can leave scars on serious self-esteem of a child. Like adults, much of the identity of a child is related to her hair and appearance. Children who watch a "different" can become the unintended target of teasing by other children. For parents who watch their children go through this, a solution can become a consuming goal. Experts in hair transplant can restore not only a child lost hair, but their self-esteem as well. Hairpieces, wigs and hair systems equipped with non-surgical look undetectable by a clinical expert in hair replacement can provide relief to parents and children are looking for, although the situation is only temporary.

Some of the most common causes of excessive hair loss in children requiring long term solutions to hair replacement are:

o Tinea capitis - is a contagious fungal infection of the scalp, sometimes also called ringworm of the scalp. No worms involved, but the fungus can cause hair loss by the roots in large round spots.

o Alopecia Areata - a mysterious hair loss that can range from small parcels to complete hair loss. Some believe there is a genetic component here, and a connection to a condition of the nervous system / immune system in which the immune system attacks itself the root hairs.

O Traction Alopecia - just constant pulling of the hair too tightly in the hairstyles from braids braids. This can damage the roots, causing hair loss.

o Trichotillomania - the constraint to take the hair of his own cause hair loss in spots.

Some of the most common causes of temporary hair loss in children requiring short-term solutions hair replacement are:

o Emotional stress, high fever or flu can sometimes cause hair loss until the next phase of growth when it starts to grow back.

o Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy - This temporary form of alopecia is caused by the drugs used to kill cancer intensive.

Whatever the reason for hair loss, it can take months, sometimes years for hair to grow back the way it was before, making it necessary to use a solution short haired or long-term replacement . The human hair goes through cycles of growth during which new hair begins to grow in the hair falls out after, unless there one of the above conditions prevents regrowth. Normally that comprises only 10% of hair at some point. But when something interferes with hair loss regrowth, which seemed at first can gradually build up speed until there is a significant loss on the scalp of the child.

So what's a parent to do? After treatment of existing medical problems, emotional problems inevitably arise. Children do not like to feel different from their peers. Replacement of lost hair with hair pieces or wigs can be difficult if the hair pieces are poorly made. This is why most parents do not skimp to ensure that their child looks as natural as possible.

Wigs are an option. This could be especially good for a short term hair loss. But wigs have their drawbacks. They are not attached to the head. They are hot to wear, and they do not like contact sports or dips in the pool, lake or a shower. These are the same industries developed on children. So, for children, wigs can be an alternative to hair, but maybe not the best.

Hair systems are another alternative to beautiful hair. There are many hair replacement companies out there that sell hair systems on the Internet with spatial models themselves available online. These hair systems are cheaper, but often disposable after three or four months of wear. Often these types of hair systems do not fit properly and end up looking cheap against nature.

A thorough search of the Internet, however, will lead you to hair systems more high-end hair replacement companies that have local clinics, fittings and custom hair systems made of human hair lace hats on associated breathable who seem not only natural, they are comfortable to wear. These systems are complete or partial hair attached to the scalp with a kind of glue that is usually trouble-free for three months or more. There may be occasional intermittent clinic visits to reconnect with lost hair shedding, but the cost for these is usually around $ 100 - cheaper than investing in another disposable hair system cheap. Children who wear these hair systems can bathe, swim and play hard in them without worrying they will fall or dislodge. Essentially, they can live the life they had before they lose their hair and feel good at the same time. Obviously, this kind of peace of mind does not have a price tag.

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